Theme day for hospital directors of the Greater Region:
The future of healthcare professions
As a logical consequence of a first training program for hospital managers in Europe – organized in 2015/2016 in Luxembourg by the IUIL and the EAHM
– a theme day destined to senior executives in the hospital sector is being held next summer trying to shed light on the question:
What are the skill sets needed in 2020-2025?
Find out on
28th September 2017 at the Maison du Savoir
(2, avenue de l’Université / L-4365 Esch-sur-Alzette LUXEMBOURG)
from 8.30 am to 3.30 pm
- 4 presentations by international experts during the morning session
- Networking lunch
- 2 live panel discussions with experienced professionals from the Greater Region during the afternoon session
- Networking cocktail
Do not miss out on the extraordinary occasion of getting firsthand information on the newest development in matters of competency profiles. What’s more, this is a uniquely pleasant way of getting to know colleagues working in a similar area but in a different country.
So make sure you SAVE THE DATE!