Our statutes

The EAHM is a working group of hospital managers and senior hospital employees in European countries that are organised either in representative national associations or in groups of hospital managers affiliated to the EAHM. The mission of the EAHM is:

a. to support the specific mission and responsibility of chief executive officers ( CEO) directors as well of the team workers under their lead in hospitals, public or private or in health care management in European countries;

b. to propose trainings , seminars , linkages and networks contributing to their professional competence and responsibility ;

c. to record, to disseminate and share with the National associations the expertise of good practices of hospital and health care management in European countries, specifically those who contribute to the role of hospitals and health care services in Europe and to promote these values;

d. to seek to influence European Union legislation and its implementation affecting hospitals / health care sector

e. to explain and to promote the specific role of the hospital/healthcare management profession in the European organizations and international bodies

Download Document : Statutes of  European Association Of Hospital Managers