29th EAHM Congress
Register Now: eahm-budapest2022.com
Save the date!
The 29th Congress of the European Association of Hospital Managers (EAHM) will be held in Budapest between 2 March to 4 March 2022. You are cordially invited to EAHM 2022. The conference venue will be the Budapest Marriott Hotel.
Main topics:
Dr. Who: The Future of Health Professional Education
Ethics in the 21st Century
Hospitals Go Green
Future Technologies
Innovation and Financing and DRG
Big data and Informatics
We also plan a rich set of social activities. We look forward to meeting you in 2022.
organizer of EAHM 2022
Association of Economic Managers of Health Institutions (EGVE)
H-1204 Budapest, Köves utca 1.
phone: +36 1 284-7668, fax: +36 1 284-7668
e-mail: egve@egve.hu
web: www.egve.hu
Congress organizer
K&M Congress Ltd.
H-1064 Budapest, Podmaniczky utca 75.
phone: +36 (1) 301-2000, fax: +36 (1) 301-2001
web: kmcongress.com