Fourth Joint Webinar « European Association of Hospital Managers EAHM » – « Université de Technologie de Troyes UTT »
Invitation Connected Innovation Webinar, 4th edition
“Corporate Social responsibility; Social Networks and Social Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the different Health Systems in Europe”
24th of November at 6:00pm |
Pierre Koch, President of the University of Technology of Troyes, Philippe Blua, Director of the South Champagne Hospitals, President of the European Association of Hospitals Managers Marc Hastert, General Secretary of the European Association of Hospitals Managers Prof. Farouk Yalaoui, Senior Vice-President of UTT and Scientific Director of the Connected Innovation Chair are pleased to invite you to the 4th edition of the Webinar of the Connected Innovation Chair Wednesday, 24th of November at 6.00PM via videoconference |
Event program |
a. Giving care is a very different service industry; Human values are the key b. As a result managers fall in a constant dilemma between costs, resources, organization and values. The managers must have sensitivity towards listening to staff and know how to deal with emotions, physical and mental fatigue, frustrations and ambitions c. The social impact: We are all potential patients d. The future values: The new social values, the new social responsibility: i. Durability ii. Green economy
Speakers: • Valérie Friot, Deputy Director of « Hôpitaux Champagne Sud » (HCS) : “Social Responsability in health systems in Europe” (an overview of the subject in consideration of the different health systems in Europe and the specificities related to health services. How can they be managed in an “optimal” way? What should we prioritise in the future? What lessons can we learn from what we have experienced?) • Paul Bomke, Germany – Director Pfalzklinikum in Klingenmunster, « Mental health effects of the COVID-19 pandemic » • Guillaume Pradalié, Director of medical affairs and healthcare supply – Centre hospitalier de Troyes (Troyes)
Chair of the Webinar: Lucy Nugent, Chief Executive of Tallaght University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland |
Practical information |
Contact In order to get more information on this event, you may contact with the email address: chaire_connected_innovation@utt.fr |
Registration Register before the 22nd of November on our website. |