Management Workshop – EVKM Europaday at the Deutschen Krankenhaustag
This Conference takes place on November 20th 2019 at 9:00, during the german Hospital Days at Medicca in Düsseldorf.
This event is free of charge but requires online registration on the form at the right of this page.
Your registration will be confirmed by email.
The conference will be translated simultaneously into English, German and French.
9.00 – 9.15 Registration
9.15 – 9.25 Welcome / Introduction
Philippe Blua President of the EAHM
Chair / Moderation :
Marc Hastert General Secretary of the EAHM
9.30 – 9.45 The consequences of Brexit for Irish and European Hospitals
Gerard O’Dwyer Chief Executive Officer South / Southwest Hospital Group Ireland
9.50 – 10.05 Healthcare in Luxembourg: Highlights in Hospital Management
Sylvain Vitali Deputy Secretary General Luxembourg Hospital Federation (FHL)
10.10 – 10.25 Healthcare in Poland: Highlights in Hospital Management – Focus on the Digitization of Polish Hospitals
Prof. Dr Mieczyslaw Pasowicz Vice-President of the EAHM President of the Polish Association of Hospital Directors
10.30-11.10 Patient Safety First – Procedures and Medical Devices
Dr. Ing. Peter Gausmann Managing Director of GRB Gesellschaft für Risik-Beratung mbH
Miss Dr. Gabriela Soskuty B. Braun Melsungen AG
11.10-11.40 Break
11.40-11.55 Healthcare in Portugal: Highlights in Hospital Management
Alexandre Lourenço President of the Portuguese Association of Hospital Managers
12.00-12.15 Healthcare in Sweden: The Challenges in Hospital Care
Erik Svanfeldt International Coordinator Health and Social Care Division Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions
12.20-12.35 Healthcare in Switzerland: Highlights in Hospital Management
Rolf Gilgen lic. iur. Rolf Gilgen, CEO Spital Bülach AG, Switzerland
12.40-13.00 Discussion and Conclusions
Heinz Kölking Dipl. Economist Heinz Kölking Member of the Board European Association of Hospital Managers (EAHM)
Other informations
Address for car navigation system: D-40474 Düsseldorf, Am Staad(Stockumer Höfe)
Arrival details : https://www.messe-duesseldorf.com/cgi-bin/md_home/lib/pub/tt.cgi/Arrival.html?oid=561&lang=2&ticket=g_u_e_s_t
Medica registration : www.medica.de/dkt_shop1
The 42nd German Hospital Day takes place at the same time as the MEDICA 2019 in the period from November 18 to November 21, 2019 at the Dusseldorf Exhibition Center and is under the general topic of “Hospitals in the Reform Marathon”
This conference has been made possible with the support of our Core Partners