Advisory bodies

Three advisory bodies committees and two working groups have been created to handle current issues.


The Scientific Sub-Committee (SSC) is set up as a consultative organ within the EAHM. lts mission is to advise the EAHM Executive Committee regarding the realisation of its objectives, which are the promotion of the professional competence of its members, directors and hospital executives.

Members of the SSC :

European affairs

The Subcommittee “European Affairs” (SCEA) is working on several topics within the EAHM like the evaluation of European initiatives within the EU, Member States or other European partners. The initiatives and their evaluation serve as a contribution to the construction of a social Europe while representing the interests of the hospitals in this process.

Members of the SCEA :

Mental health

The Sub-Committee “mental health” (SCMH) is set up as a consultative organ within the EAHM. lts mission is to advise the EAHM Executive Committee regarding the realisation of its objectives in the field of Mental Health. The Sub-Committee will support the aims of EAHM with particular focus on the importance of building a first class, recovery oriented – strengths based and person-centred including social inclusion in mental health service. The Sub­Committee will set specific goals to support in EAHM hospitals further integration of services for persans struggling with mental health or substance abuse problems. This will also include the promotion of the professional competence of its members working as directors and hospital executives in mental health services.

Members of the SCMH :

CEO Circle

Members of the CEO Circle :

Working group communication

Members of the Working Group Communication are :

Working group IT-managers

Members of the Working Group – IT Managers are :