event 5TH Joint Webinar EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF HOSPITAL MANAGERS EAHM with the “Chaire Connected Innovation ” and “Institut Santé et Technologies de Troyes” UTT

5TH Joint Webinar EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION OF HOSPITAL MANAGERS EAHM with the “Chaire Connected Innovation ” and “Institut Santé et Technologies de Troyes” UTT




Connected Innovation Webinar, 5th edition: 

“ Human resources travel impacting hospitals

Pierre Koch, President of the University of Technology of Troyes,

Philippe Blua, Director of the South Champagne Hospitals, President of the European Association of Hospitals Managers

Marc Hastert, General Secretary of the European Association of Hospitals Managers

Prof. Farouk Yalaoui Senior Vice-President of UTT and Scientific Director of the Connected Innovation Chair

are pleased to invite you to:

Tuesday, the 27 th of September 2022 from 6 PM to 7 PM


1.           Philippe Blua, President of EAHM and CEO from Hôpitaux Champagne Sud (HCS) : Experience from Calais

2.           Luca Jelmoni, Direktor Swiss Paraplegic Centre (SPZ), Nottwil (Switzerland) : cross-border commuters

3.  Chair of the Webinar: Sharon Morrow, Ireland · Director, All-Island Congenital Heart Disease Network


Click to access of Chaire-Connected-Innovation website